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Shift4shop: Managing Store Staff User

Posted on 2023-06-26 Updated on 2024-07-30

Starting as a one-person team is feasible for a small eCommerce business, and there have been several prosperous businesses that began that way. However, if you aim for progress, assistance from business partners or hired employees will eventually become necessary. As an online store thrives, it handles more customers, makes more sales, and has more inventory to manage; hence dividing the workload among a team becomes the only option. Nonetheless, who will oversee the online store? Is it possible for multiple individuals to access it?

Shift4Shop provides the flexibility of adding Staff Users with access to specific features on your online store manager. You can customize the access level of each Staff User and the available slots are dependent on your Shift4Shop plan. If you require more Staff Users, you can easily purchase additional seats at any time without having to upgrade your plan.

The platform offers a comprehensive management solution, allowing you to customize your staff user permissions one by one. This ensures that your staff members can access the system according to their respective roles, be it handling orders, modifying products, or having complete administrative control, under your discretion. Through the Staff User Administration feature, you can establish your employees' accounts precisely as required.

To add role-based permissions to store staff in Shift4Shop, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shift4Shop account and navigate to the "Employees" section.
  2. Click on the "Roles" tab and click the "Add New Role" button.
  3. Name the new role and select the permissions you want to grant to that role.
  4. Click the "Save" button to create the new role.
  5. Navigate to the "Employees" tab and select the staff member you want to assign the new role to.
  6. Click the "Edit" button next to the staff member's name and select the new role from the "Role" dropdown menu.
  7. Click the "Save" button to assign the new role to the staff member.

By following these steps, you can easily add role-based permissions to your store staff in Shift4Shop to ensure that they have the appropriate level of access to your store's functions and features.

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