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How To Add User Permissions To Your Squarespace Store?

Posted on 2023-06-26 Updated on 2024-07-25

Are you looking to efficiently manage your team's contributions to a project? With our permissions feature, you can easily limit access to specific areas based on each contributor's role. Our guide outlines the capabilities and limitations of each contributor role, making it easy for you to assign the appropriate permissions to your team. Say goodbye to confusion and streamline your team's workflow with our permissions feature.

The Permissions Panel:

In the permissions panel, the owner and administrators can:

  • Invite Contributors
  • Add Basic Authors
  • Edit Contributor Permissions
  • Remove contributors
  • Transfer Ownership

Inviting A Contributor

Add team members to your account who can help create and edit content on your site.

Each individual who has a Squarespace account and can access your content is considered a contributor. In case you have other people assisting you in managing your site, domain, or other subscription, you can invite them to contribute and regulate their access by assigning specific permissions.

Before you Begin Here’s something you should know:

  • The ability to invite contributors is limited to owners and administrators only.
  • For the Personal and Cover Page plans (which have been discontinued), you have the option to include one additional contributor, resulting in a total of two contributors including the owner. However, on trial sites and other billing plans, there is the ability to add an unlimited amount of contributors.
  • To prevent conflicts where edits overwrite one another, it is advisable to communicate and coordinate with multiple contributors who are simultaneously making content changes.
  • Contributors with admin permissions are the only ones allowed to be added on parking pages.

Here’s How You Can Invite a Contributor To Your Squarespace:

  • To invite a contributor, access the permissions panel and select the option "Invite Contributor".
  • In the window provided for inviting contributors, input the name and email address of the person you wish to invite.
  • Toggle the switches to grant contributor permissions according to their respective roles. You have the option to enable the administrator toggle to grant all permissions, or select specific permissions for each role.
  • To send an invitation, simply click on the "Invite" button.
  • Your collaborator will receive an email request inviting them to either sign in to their current Squarespace account or establish a new one.
Managing or Editing Contributor Permissions

To modify the editing access of a contributor in your Squarespace website, you can adjust their permissions within the permissions panel. Please note that only administrators and the website owner have the authority to change contributor permissions.

Before You Begin:

  • Editing permissions for oneself is not possible for contributors.
  • The owner is the only contributor whose permissions cannot be edited by administrators, even other administrators.
  • If a contributor is granted administrator permissions, they will be empowered with all the permissions that come with other roles, hence disabling other permission toggles.
  • Per-page editing permissions are not supported by Squarespace.

Editing permissions:

  • To view the list of all contributors, access the permissions panel.
  • To view a contributor's profile, simply click on their name in the Contributors section.
  • Toggle the switches to activate or deactivate permissions for the contributor's management tasks. You can choose to enable more than one permission. For further information on the available permissions, please refer to the Squarespace permissions explained resource.
  • Click “Save”.

Removing A Contributor

In the event that a contributor is no longer associated with your company or does not require access to edit your website, it is recommended to delete their contributor profile.

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