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How to Install Website Speedy?

Posted on 2023-03-07 Updated on 2024-07-25

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Follow these 6 steps to install website speedy on your website quickly:

Step 1: Confirm current page speed

To help you analyse the current page speed of your website, we’ve integrated various tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom. These tools allow you to check important metrics related to your website's performance, including page speed on both mobile and desktop devices.

You can visit https://pagespeed.web.dev/ to verify this data, though please note that there may be slight variations depending on your internet speed. Alternatively, you can click "Reanalyze" to refresh the page and confirm the current page speed of your website and continue to step 2.

Step 2: Generate loading speed enhancement script

To generate a loading speed enhancement script for your website, you can simply click on the "Generate Script" button. The tool will then analyse your website and generate a script that will improve the loading speed of your website. This script is designed to optimise various elements of your website and ensure faster loading times and a better user experience for your visitors. By using the script, you can enhance the performance of your website and provide a more seamless browsing experience for your users.

Step 3: Install loading speed enhancement script

To enhance the loading speed of your website, you need to install a script designed to optimise your website performance. This script code should be added before the closing '</head>' tag after any <meta> tag in your website's theme, as instructed by us. Doing so improves the loading speed of your website.

Check platform-wise installation instructions:

Shopify | Bigcommerce | Shift4Shop | Other

Once the installation process is complete, you can either click on the "verify" button to confirm that the installation was successful or create an installation request if you require assistance.

Step 4: Analyse updated speed

Once you have successfully installed the code, you can evaluate the updated website speed. Although our script works instantly, it is advisable to allow it to optimise the website's performance for at least 2 minutes before checking the improvement in speed compared to the previous speed.

Most of our users have reported significantly improved website speed after following the above steps. However, if you are not yet satisfied with your website's speed score, do not worry. You can proceed to Step 5 to implement additional parameters that can further enhance your website's loading speed.

Step 5: Add parameters to improve your speed further

To further enhance your website's loading speed, you can add specific parameters. If you need assistance with this, you can request the Website Speedy team to update the parameters for you. Alternatively, if you prefer to handle it yourself, click on the link below to learn how to add the parameters and improve your website's speed.

Install advance parameters

Step 6: Parameter add request status

This step allows you to track the status of your request to add parameters to your website. Any updates will be mentioned in this section. Also, Please check your email and spam folder regularly to ensure you do not miss any important messages from us.

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