To install Website Speedy on your Ecwid, Watch this video
follow these steps:
Step 1: Login/Signup to the Speedy website.
Step 2: Navigate to the left side menu and select the "Install Speedy Website" option.
Step 3: In the first step, Enter URLs of 3 important Pages from your Website.
Step 4: In Second Step Install Speed Enhancement Script in your website as per instructions.
Step 5: Log in to your Ecwid account.
Step 6: Navigate to the website section under the sales channel in the left-side menu.
Step 7: Select the SEO option.
Step 8: Add Website Speedy Script to the Header meta tags and site
verification textarea.Step 9: Save the website speedy scripti!
Step 10: Click the Verification button in Step 2 of Websitespeedy dashboard once you have added the script. for successful integration.
Step 11: Now you can compare side by side performance and speed insights.
Step 12: Request WebsiteSpeedy team to Perform a manual Audit and make optimizations on your website to further speed improvement.
Note: Speed might fluctuate depending upon different factors. Read more about speed fluctuating factors here.
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